Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hello 2011~!
This morning was a perfect one. quiet. coffee. knitting.
Time to think. Purring cat by my side, the sun peeking over the mountain into the window.

New Year's is our favorite holiday. We love the new beginning, talking about plans and goals and wondering what this fresh new year will bring.

I was inspired by Ali Edwards this year to choose a word to focus on for the year.
The list I created to choose from was...

We decided on "BE".
Just Be... and listen.
Be... and nest
Be... and celebrate
Be thankful. 

It's been years of planning and sacrifice and hard decisions to get us here, on our magical farm and in such a good place mentally and spiritually. 

It feels so good. 


Anonymous said...

Awesome choice -- also, happy new year to you and yours, my friend. Hope to spend some creative time with you very soon! =)


Cecelia said...

Thank you... Be-ing is my favorite thing to BE :.)