Found this is Ann's book (journal). She wrote it from her Harry Potter book- it's a Luna Lovegood quote. I LOVE that she is writing things like that down. My kids are so cool.
Spent the weekend between gallivanting around Portland with Paul and the girls and fetal-position-knitting on the couch.
What was I knitting you ask? well.... I am still working on "the hat". It's been odd trying to get the math to balance out. I have learned that things that make perfect sense to me do not always translate into other human language. haha. go figure.
Ruth came over to hang out and knit and blab and listen to my existential angst-ings. She is also math-logic-brained. I like to think that I am, but when around someone who truly IS I realize that it is wise to run things by someone else sometimes. Here is the latest version-- and hopefully LAST of "the hat".

Knit from my yummy merino bamboo in the
"Amaryllis" colorway.I also have been swatching for my second sweater. selfish? maybe. I am only interested in knitting sweaters for myself right now. I have plans to knit for the girls, but I am still feeling hesitant to knit a sweater for someone who is growing faster than a weed.
This time I plan to knit
Therapi by
Stefanie Japel (Glampyre Knits).
LOVE this design. love love love it.
I am using my merino bamboo yarn that I still have to dye-- I am thinking of a dusky dark blue.
So I knit the gauge swatch from an Amaryllis scrap...this is the body pattern, a basket weave.

I then knit the yoke pattern from a scrap of
Acid Grasshopper BFL. I know the gauge is not accurate, but I wanted to see how the pattern knit up before beginning the actual sweater.
LOVE it too...
Now to get the dye pots going-- in a few days, for now I will spin and clean and run the girls all over creation to appointments and such.

This morning I spent at the wheel. Here is a teaser pic...
Inspired by spring
chunky glitter and pastels
soft as a bunny
'tis the best I could do at such a late hour ... thank you for this, it's gorgeous! :)