Saturday, May 19, 2012

Another Case of Knitting Startitis!

It's been a month of no-knitting for me. Not sure why, just been running around a lot and basking in the sunshine I suppose...

This morning I snapped back into it though, after an epiphany of sorts with the current baby sweater I have on my needles, (no details, for baby gifties!)... all BOYS too.
Someone needs to make a girl baby so I can knit some frilly stuff!

I can, however, show you the yarn I am using.
Yummy, and perfect for a dirt-ball boy. The goal is to make the sweaters fit from infant to toddlerhood,
and these are earthy-farmer babies, so they will be in.the.dirt. 

The first sweater is being made from Miss Babs Yowza in Black Walnut.
As I have mentioned before, Yowza is my favorite, favorite yarn right now. 
Miss Babs is a color-fairy genius. Go buy some from her.  
It's yummy, and washable, and the skeins are huge... and her colorways? drool.

Second baby sweater (not on the needles yet) will be made from this... 
Which I purchased this morning from Handsome Fibers on etsy.
Nom nom nom.... cannot wait to hold it in my hands. 

So I spent too much time on Ravelry this morning...
Bought and printed this... 
Painfully adorable, isn't it? and MADE FROM HANDSPUN. Which I kind of have a lot of.
Not sure which yarn I will use though, digging through the stash starts another insanity-thing I probably cannot handle today. (grin)

This is beyond cute too... and sort of similar. 
I like the idea of skinny arms and legs for teething babies.

Then there is this pattern, a perfect stash buster project, 
Called Odd Ends by Carina Spencer (Ravelry Link)
LOVE this idea. I could go off in all sorts of directions with this pattern.

Luckily, we needed to move the chickens today, so I was distracted from collecting new projects.
What are YOU working on right now???

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