Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Life in May~

Life has been happening around here, I have just been in it and not blogging much...
We have been busy, taking every possible moment of the WARM WEATHER to prep the gardens and farm and critters for spring and summer. 
My mom was here from PA, visiting for a few weeks... and Ann turned 13!

Ann's fav gift.... her very own "Precious"

I seem to have birthed a sci-fi geeky girl... 
she loves anything Star Trek, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars

 She also got a Jim Henson doodle book... (and a Star Trek t-shirt as you can see here)

 My mom being silly.

 LOVE this tulip color...

 One of our resident hummingbirds.

 My mom taking pics of Ann.

 Ann's birthday cake.

 Our new Peculiar Ambitions profile photo... 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to celebrating a little May with you soon!
