Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Splat and a Valentine~

Last night my new friend Michelle came over for some art time in the studio.
I promptly demonstrated to her how effectively and FAST I can hit a wall.
Not literally, haha. I mean metaphorically.
I was done, fritzed, tired, and could not muster up the energy to even KNIT. (I know- gasp!)
It was really really pitiful and embarrassing.... sigh.

The only thing that seemed to be functioning was my mouth. I have the gift(curse?) of gab and it gets worse when I am tired. My filters seem to go to sleep first.
So I talked to make up for that wall-slam. A lot-- I talked a lot.
Hopefully dear Michelle will come BACK to play again.

TODAY I was all skippy and focused.
Took care of a bite of bookkeeping and tax follies, then made a foam heart plate to print with.
Michelle gave me a piece of this foam (think really thin styrofoam tray) to make a plate from.

This is what I made~
Inspired by the design on this old vintagey table cloth that was my gram's...
I added more hearts to the design.
Here it is printed on white copy paper~

The foam does not lend itself to great detail in your print, but it is fun to play with and good to get you GOING.... see Michelle? I can make stuff.... really. (hyuck)

Here I printed it on a map~
Here I printed it on a scrap of old sheet music~
Here I printed it over the pitiful collagey valentine I tried to make last night.
It helped...
Tomorrow I would like to make the design a bit more knitterly? and maybe carve it into rubber or linoleum.


  1. haha! love what you did with the foam!!! of course i'll be back :)

  2. I love your gift of gab, helps to tone mine down!!!
