Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Need a To Do List~

I slept in a bit this morning...
and then spent over an hour browsing on some new-to-me design (interior) blogs.
Sounds like a colossal waste of time, but OH, so much inspiration! Not so good for the ADD though, now my head is swimming with even more things I want to make and do!

Here are some links if you are interested in that sort of thing...
Some are new (to me) and some I have been following for a long time~
Design Sponge
made2create (some great DIY home decor ideas)
The Yvestown Blog
Supermarket Sarah (some raw kitschy displays)
Brooklyn Limestone (great decor/design/ renovation ideas)

Sunday we hit the Pearl in Portland for lunch and some walking around.
Here are shots of the window displays at Anthropologie!
Made from plastic water bottles... which I totally want to try to make for some spring decorations around here.
Yesterday I finished up some serious custom yarn orders~ phew!
They are gorgeous, but were so very time consuming.... . I have a case of spin-ass-itis, which means my back hurts from sitting and spinning for hours and hours. duh. I could get up and stretch occasionally I suppose. I just get into what I am doing and forget.

My Ann was feeling under the weather yesterday. No extreme symptoms, just achy, nauseous, and slightly feverish all day. Hopefully she feels better once she wakes up today. We missed a group excursion to see the Percy Jackson movie. which was very very upsetting for her. Maybe we can see it today?

Paul's flight was delayed in SLC because some woman refused to remove her ipod for religious reasons?! So they kicked her off the plane, started up the runway, then had to turn around so they could remove her checked luggage from cargo. Nice lady. sheesh. What religion would that be? anyone?

So not sure what today will bring... until Ann wakes up. Will snap some pictures to add here once I get to the studio.

Here are some of the Knit Pins I have recently put in the shop.
There are 24 Knit designs, 9 Spin designs and 4 Crochet designs. Go see!

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