Monday, November 16, 2009

My Wicked Girls~

Photo by Paul... of an orchard in McMinnville, OR.

I just realized that while I am constantly knitting... I rarely post about the knitting.
It is such a huge part of who I am and how I keep myself sane.
It's funny when you see the buttons and shirts that say "I knit so I don't kill people", but it's really kind of true. haha... ahem.

Knitting connects me to tradition. It is meditative and wonderful and I just love it.
I love the math and the challenge and how it calms my neurotic brains and takes me to a calm place where my thoughts can just Be. and it is better for my body than vodka. :)

I am a person who counts everything all.the.time. OCD? not sure, but I do know that when you knit you can count and it is Ok. You are supposed to be perfect and compulsive about your stitches while still being creative. If I go a few days without knitting I find that I am a bit of a wreck...agitated, chewing the inside of my lips...

Enough talking...
I have been working on TWO sweaters at once. For Eve & Ann... same pattern, different color yarn.
Here are the latest knitting pics...
Ann's Wicked Sweater
My Ravelry notes on Ann's Wicked...
~ Been working at both this and Eve’s Wicked sweater pretty heavy the past month or so…
~ They both decided against the pocket, which was fine with me.
~ Need to add more to the length. Which means I have to rip out the cabled edge and put back on the needles and knit some more then redo the cabled edge. I think I will add about 2.5 more inches. I figured she will continue to sprout and this will give her some growing room.
~ I am almost finished with sleeve #2 (still on needles... she is holding the yarn ball in her hand).

Eve's wicked Sweater (see links above)

My Ravelry Notes on Eve's Wicked~
~ I ended up ripping out the bottom cabled edge and adding 3 more inches to the length!
~ I did not do any shaping, one because she is still a kid and the figure does not need enhanced, plus she is still growing and this will give her room.
It is also a bit long for her right now, but the she is 5’7 and only 13!
I figured she will continue to sprout.
~ I have one more sleeve to go and DONE.

Both sweaters are being knit from Miss Babs ~ Yowza! What a skein!
Superwash Merino Ann's in Verdigris and Eve's in French Marigold.
It is delicious yarn. Highly recommended.

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