Friday, November 13, 2009

Ignore it.

Stealing a moment to post between breakfast and leaving for mom duties.
Other than the guitar lessons I need to take the girls to (they are pre-paid), I am ignoring all other obligations and having Studio Time.

Time to get some commission yarns completed.
Time to get a magazine submission finished --- that I have been stewing over for weeks...
Time to just make some mess with paints with no end goals. To just create because I can.

Ignore the vacuuming.
Ignore the scary kitchen.
Ignore the hungry people in my home who know how to cook or find food for themselves.
Ignore Mt. Fold Me. (what I call that pile of clean laundry on my bedroom floor)

I love my life.

What else can I ignore?

Here are some random studio shots-- this is my back studio room... where the fiber and art supplies live. Where I paint or prep batts or do shipping.... it's my favorite room in the house.
It's actually pretty clean in these shots...

This shot Eve took for her photography class. LOVE IT.
It is some random cat on it's porch steps. They took a walk during class to shoot photos.
Eve is a kitty whisperer... they seem to come from afar towards her.


  1. Where do you find hubby's who can feed themselves?? Hmmmm.

    I love having play time. Right now I'm doing "gotta do" art but it's still fun.

    Look forward to seeing you soon.

  2. Have fun playing in the studio, looking forward to having time together soon!!!

  3. hi reenie!
    thank you, thank you, thank you for my wonderful gifty!!!!! it was so beautifully wrapped i had to take a picture before i even opened it. the socks my girls have already tried to steal, and that ornament is awesome!!! i will think of you every time i look at it.
    can't wait till things settle so i can come visit your awesome looking studio. congrats on your new easel! love the painting that's sitting on it too! happy new year reenie :)
