Saturday, July 11, 2009

ArtFiberFest ~ Day 2

(Image heavy post)
My Thursday class was "Art Studio Journal" with Roxanne Padgett. What a blast!
The objective was to make a fabric/collaged/sewn journal to hold your art supplies.
Mine of course took it's own path (shocker) and became the "Journal of Pockets".

We received this amazing packet of collage papers and supplies, which made me giddy- I am such an art supply hoar, it's a disease really...

Here are my pages after painting them, before sewing and collaging.
Here they are after the fabric, paper images and pockets were all sewn on.
(page 1 above, page 2 below)
I used images that made me happy-- a gnome holiday card from Heidi, images of the Crazy Cat Lady School (ladies in sweaters and skirts, with pearls and cigarettes, and black cats on leashes!). A butterfly card, pieces and parts of some of my painting studies, images of fabrics I printed off the web, my CT scans, and retro fabric scraps from mine and Paul's gram's stashes (that was a mouthful!). The best parts? Fabric scraps from Teesha's stash- reduction-yardsale-table. Where I should have bought MORE.
Here is the cover in progress... fabrics are... from Teesha's stash, some of my immersion dyed cottons, a scrap of some retro burlappy stuff I adore, and a bird embroidery from my gram's OCD stash. The yellow/poppy fabric on the edge is a piece of ribbon.
More pics of the journal coming later.... I did not take finished pics as I was onto the next bright and shiny object before it occurred to me to do so... nerd. What's the point of posting without finished pics? sigh. I am going to go take more now... bbs

ok-- BACK NOW-- rather than add another thousand images to this blog post, I embedded a slideshow.

If you click HERE... then click the 'show info' link, my descriptions will show for each image.

Please NOTICE... the finished journal has many, many fantiastico pockets, into which I stuffed the lovely trades I collected at AFF.
Also... my fav part--- is the couched handspun! Which means I sewed strands of one of my handspun singles down with my sewing machine. LOVED this... it really added texture and depth to the pages... I plan to do much more of this in the future.

You can see the rest of my ArtFiberFest album here.


  1. Your book is fabulous!! The crazy cat lady is too funny. Thank goodness I'm a dog person, whew. Thanks for sharing your fabric in class. :) Wish I would have picked up more of Teesha's, too.

  2. Love the book! I am taking a class from Roxanne at Journalfest in October and after seeing your journal I can hardly wait. I had to miss Artfiberfest this year, but hope to go next year.

  3. What a fabulous book, I love it! Susan from Maui was in the class & sent me your link!
