Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ArtFiberFest Adventures ~ Day 1

WoW-- what a fun experience!

Wed. I arrived at Reed College-- which is beyond gorgeous.... reminded me of east coast architecture-- with a dash of Hogwarts. (More pics of the characters in the architecture below...)
Wed. evening was the opening meeting-- where Teesha shares logistical details with all of the students and the teachers are introduced. Not a huge deal, but I had to do a 2 min. speechy thing about art and life and things that inspire me. I shared my favorite quote, "It's the process of creation that keeps me sort of a bubble and a half above perpetual anxiety in my life." ~Ze Frank
Which I told them replaces my previous favorite quote-- "I knit so I don't kill people".

I then talked about my ArtFest experience from the past two years, and how each fest brings it's own epiphany.
First year I realized that there ARE people like me in this world. A lot of them. I have met a few in my life, but a group of 600? Frightening and exhilarating.

Second year I realized that I don't need to be so hard on myself for being such an overachiever. haha. For those times when I have ten plates in the air at once and just exhaust myself. You can read more about my epiphany in this entry. (link)
Here is a blurb of it...
"I find myself going in A.D.D. circles. Is it REALLY ADD? or am I over committed? sigh. All self-inflicted. I tried the simplification thing but it made me depressed and sad. I just filled the open slots with more projects and commitments. THE GOOD NEWS IS.... I am NOT alone! At ArtFest they had a teacher panel night, where the teachers sat at a table with microphones and the crowd shot questions at them. This was one of the best things about the week. They hit many many topics that were so very relative to me that I found myself on the verge of tears so many times. They spoke of creative inspiration and over commitments, finding studio time, family, mommy-guilt, artist-guilt, how being an artist is not viewed as a 'real job' and on and on... I am NOT weird! NOT crazy! I am an ARTIST! The many plates in the air? They are all different embodiments of my creativity. I approach everything as if it were an art medium, from my spinning to my garden to my errands to my precious girls. When I realize that I really view it all as my art (and it totally is) I am so much kinder to myself. I process things differently than most. I am an over-achiever. I am manic. I am crazy and I am not crazy. I am unique. "

The lesson of this year's ArtFiberFest? Time to push Reenie out of her box.
I need to be teaching. After all, I am a trained art teacher ( with a degree and everything!). Just a room full of thirty 7 year olds and paint?- with a 40 minute time frame? not my favorite thing.
BUT-- a room full of crazy, creative women? LOVE it. love love love it. my peoples.

I have some really cool ideas to propose to teach at next year's ArtFiberFest, and some to offer here in my studio. So if you are local to the Portland OR area and are interested in taking some classes, drop me an email and I will notify you once I figure things out.

Well-- off to hang with my MIL, she is here visting from PA. I think I will drag the spinning wheel out to the deck and spin a few.

Next post-- about my classes. so much fun....

More Reed architecture pics... click the images to see larger versions.


  1. Hi Reenie,
    You are one observant gal! I didn't notice any of those characters in the architecture at Reed. How neat! I had such a fun time sitting next to you in Roxanne's Studio Art Journal class. Thanks for putting up with me and my unruly and noisy sewing machine. You did great on demo night too. Love all your fibers. This was my first AFF and I can't wait to go back next year!

  2. I LOVE THE FACES!!! There is something about faces on buildings that just amkes me deliriously HAPPY!
