Sunday, May 24, 2009

Serendipity and Ezmaralda~

I love serendipity. lovelovelove...

This may sound a bit rambly, but you should be used to that by now. (grin)

I am taking a class at ArtFiberFest taught by the talented Deirdra Doan. We are making dolls- and I am excited to get myself back into making more dolls again-- it's been years and I miss it.
The other day I was reading Deirdra's blog and noticed this fabulous scarf her friend Lulu was wearing... wait! That scarf looks familiar! That's my Ezmaralda scarf-- which Lulu purchased from me at ArtFest08!
This scarf was obviously made just for Lulu Moon! See? Serendipity! (entry link)

So Deirdra and Lulu and I have been emailing and we are setting a studio day-- here in my chaos- (good reason to clean), with her, Lulu, Jackie and myself. New friends who are on the same wavelength. Perfection.

So-- go visit their blogs.
Deirdra's link~
Lulu's link~

Here are some shots of the Ezmaralda Yarn (before it's transformation into a scarf).


  1. That does look perfect on her! Gorgeous yarn.

  2. Wow...I didn't know you were taking my doll class...oh fun...see you soon. oxo
