So this post is to catch up on what has been 'a-happenin'
Last weekend Paul took OFF (a rarity) and we played in the dirt most of the weekend.
Tree-Hugging-Dirt-Worshipping-Granola-Eaters that we are. Sat. morning we took a Master Composting class, taught by Dr. Rot. Informative. We compost by throwing all our compostables in a big pile outside and turning it randomly. So we learned a ton about what we are doing right and wrong. After that we decided to groom the front garden a bit. Well "I" got involved, so it turned into a sculpture session!
How FUN!
We had these huge, hideous juniper bushes -the ones that smell like cat pee?-- ugh.
I guess them to be at least 20+ years old.
Here is a pic of the first monster we removed~

Guess what we found underneath??
I was beside myself about it.... I looked for gnomes and fairies but they must have gotten away too fast.Then we removed the second bush-- which always reminded me of a giant tribble. It looked like it would scurry off any moment.

Amazing azalea and rhododendron bushes we drove by.... astounding color!

WOW, what a fabulous find! Looks sooo much better without the bushes.