Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gabriel's Monster Hat~ 2012

Made from  Miss Babs Yowza in Moss & Starling, Patons Classic Wool Dk Superwash in Pumpkin and a natural cream colonial wool from my stash.

Gauge on a size 4 needle was 5.75 st/in and8.5 rows/in.

Gabriel is two years old so I made the child size from the pattern.

Rear view~

I chose to make the mouth area different, with a snaggle-toothed fang. I also decided to knit the eye (pattern showed a crochet version).

Chicken approved... (this chicken is a diva and cannot stay out of photos)

Perfect hat for an adorable little monster!
Special thanks to his mamma, Charlene, for the photos of Gabriel.

Cross posted on
WHY am I cross posting everything?
Well, over the next few months, both blogs will be combined into one, shiney, sparkly fantastic NEW blog, which will sit on the site.
This blog will not only be my voice (Reenie), but all of us, 
reflecting our crazy, farmy, artsy, family-filled lives. will remain as is, as my blog archives (since 2007!)
So... keep an eye out for these changes to take effect. 
They are still very much in the planning stages.

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