Friday, July 27, 2012

Baby Surprise Jacket #2~ 2012

This sweater was knit for Isaiah~
Pattern is the Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmerman. (Ravelry Link)

Made from Miss Babs Yowza in Black Walnut.
Yowza is my favorite, favorite yarn right now. 
Gauge on a size 8 was 4.5 st/in. and 6.5 rows/in.
I used a provisional cast on in the beginning so I could add length to the sleeves. Cast on 160 stitches.
For the decreases I used a sl2tog knit wise, k1, psso.

For the increases I used a Kfb.

Once the body of the sweater was finished, I put the live cuff (sleeve) stitches on a piece of yarn to hold them and seamed the shoulders.
Seaming done using the sewing technique shown here at Pam's Knitting & Spinning Blog~
I then placed the live sleeve stitches onto don and knit the additional length in the round. 
I extended the sleeve length by 1.5 inches, decreasing evenly at the bottom of the sleeve, (from 34 sleeve stitches to 28, approx. 1 dec. every other row) then knit a k1p1 ribbed cuff for another 2 inches. This cuff can be rolled back when Isiah is smaller. Total sleeve length is 8 inches from armpit to cuff edge.

Chest measures 18 inches, which is a standard 18 month according to this chart: (this is how I calculated the final sleeve length)

I finished the edges off with an attached icord.

Buttons are from my gram’s button tin.

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