Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Thurs. with Time to Make~

   It's a rare day here on the farm, where I am in my favorite pink jammie pants and have time to play in the studio! Of course I am not in the studio, I am on the computer as usual... a quick post and then I am off to make a MESS of some sort...

   I just spent some time futzing around on facebook and realized that I am posting more on my wall on facebook than here in my blog. Not sure I like that, I mean, I consider this blog my journal, a documentation of my life happenings... whether relevant to the world or not, the things I post are relevant to me, and I enjoy browsing through the previous years to see where I was mentally, creatively and physically. I do not want that documenting place to be FB.

So... the plan is to post HERE and have it feed to FB. If I can get Network Blogs to WORK, that is.

Anyway... here are some things I have been sniffing around in the studio. 
Always have Lotsa Plans.

Here they are...

Project 17 with Craft Hope is APRONS FOR HAITI~ 
I love the idea of sending some pretties to women who experience very little prettiness in their lives...
This is cute, but not one I made, this photo is from their FB page.

LOVE this apron style... love how it looks like a wrap-around skirt.
I think it needs pockets. Some serious pockets. 
And it needs to be a bit wider around, for some of us are curvier and have wider parts than others.  ;)
Today I plan to dig through the fabric stash and make some to send to Craft Hope.

They put an iPod on a practically unresponsive man in a nursing home. It's like he wakes UP.
So fascinating. A MUST see...
I love old men. I was Grandpa's girl and will always have a soft spot for cranky, crazy old men.

K. FOCUS TIME. I am off to the studio!

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