Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday Morning Studio Pics~

I give up. Actually I gave up years ago...
It's impossible to have the studio clean and tidy... there is always something dug out and spewn all over.
It means that creative energy is alive and active and zippity-zapping all over.
So here are shots of my studio this lovely morning in November... in all it's cluttery glory! 

 The light is a bit dim. We are having a typical PNW overcast sky...

  New Japanese tapes and paper, dizzying fabric and new yarns...

 Henrietta is our escape-artist chicken. (see her outside the window?) 
She has mastered jumping out over the fence. She is one wiley girl.
and a total pain... bad chicken!

  Flannels all washed and ready to be sewn into new jammie pants~!

  Paintings in progress waiting their turn...

  Book shelves crammed with yarn and fabric...

  Journal supply shelves...

  Great- Grandma Hanlin's quilt (that she made) awaiting repairs...

 Painting/sewing end of the studio... see my new inspiration board on the easel?

  Felted sweater bin spewed about... who did this?!

 My mom is here visiting from PA... here she is with the girls in my messy, messy kitchen.

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