Friday, October 7, 2011

Studio Time

Since fall is officially here... I have been committing some serious time to creating in the studio.
Nothing heavy, just craft- creative things to get me started. It's been months since I did anything productive in my favorite room... it has felt like life has been dragging me along... and I am 'supposed' to (doctor's orders) work on stress release. Seems I am having anxiety issues. Physically reacting to anxiety or stress? that is... my neck and shoulder muscles are locked up and I am in constant physical angst. Weird because I mentally don't feel anxiety... I am as high strung as I ever am....normal obnoxious Reenie. But my body is telling me otherwise, so it's time for regular exercise and regular studio time.

Here are some photos of things I have been tinkering with...


Jewelry making with Ann...

 Knit & Crochet bracelets...

Finished products...

Making a new book/art journal... still in progress

An old Apple ad.... 
"Think Different"

  This pic cracks us all up. Don't know who it is, found via Pinterest.

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