Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Announcing Our FARM blog! Peculiar Ambitions~

This year we are starting our farm business!
Yep, you heard me right, we are going for IT.

We love our farm, have been here for 5 months now, and the p.l.a.n. is for this to be our "jobs"... all four of us... eventually. Not sure exactly what directions this will take, but we don't really care. For now we will not get caught up in the "hows", although we have some really exciting ideas! (not a traditional farm, think "art farm" (classes) with nummy food and produce and critters and yarn and art for sale)~

We are still in the "getting functional" phase and having so much fun.

So, while we are figuring things out, I started a FARM BLOG!

Called Peculiar Ambitions! Which is the name of our farm. We will share our discoveries and all of the exciting things (how many times did I say exciting?) that happen.

I will be annoying you with pesky cross-postings for a while, until the new blog has it's own flow.

Redneck Hippie-Rigged Brooder Box~

We have been deliberating what type of brooder box we will need for our peeps.

Should we use cardboard boxes or storage bins? 
(both of which I was concerned about a fire hazard with the heat lamps...)
Or build one out of plywood? The metal tank brooder thingys at the farm store are too pricey.
This morning we were discussing our options over coffee and Paul went out to see what scrap wood we had in the barn when he walked by THIS...

A crusty old wooden gun case left here by the previous owners. We have not had time to conquer the workshop yet, it still needs unpacked and rearranged.
Good thing, because this gem would have met the burn pile!

He knocked out the gun rack and the drawers on the bottom and laid it on it's back.
Perfect size and the doors work as a lid to keep the heat in at night.

Here it is all set up before the peeps were added.
We since moved it to the cellar under our kitchen.
Since the cellar is under the woodstove, the temperature is about 15 degrees warmer than the workshop.
There you have it, the perfect redneck, hippie-rigged brooder box!

I am so proud.


  1. I love it! It's going to be so much fun raising chicks. We can compare notes and it will be like we are raising them together. We have a chicken house that in the 4+ years we've been here we've only walked into about 3 times. When we really started thinking about chickens and checked it out we realized how nice it really is. There are the little doors for them to go outside, nest boxes and a roost that is hinged to the wall to make clean up underneath it easy. Can't wait to see the pics of the chicks.

  2. We are peepy mommies together!
    They are in the cellar under the kitchen and I can hear them peeping this morning. The girls must have checked them 10 times last evening.

    We have no coop. Going to make a chicken coop/tractor that we can pull around the field with the tractor... so no cleaning poo... it will fall out (mostly) onto the ground. Cannot wait to have eggs!
    How many peeps are you getting?
    We started with 15... will add some fancy peeps soon. Want green eggs.
