Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Studio! Before and After~

My studio is up and running... I love it so much!

Please remember we bought our farm from a very elderly couple, who last remodeled in the 70s...

I decided to put my workspace in the front room, off the living room. 
This room was originally a front porch, which at some point was enclosed and make into and extra room. I considered using the extra bedroom, but the light in this room is fantastic all day long, even during our grey and rainy winters!

Here is the shot to the west right taken after we got the keys...
The wall to the left was a giant bulletin board, the end wall diagonal cedar veneer strips and the outside wall had green carpet that went up the wall halfway. (desk went straight to Goodwill)

This shot is of the same spot with the drop ceiling removed... notice we attempted to just paint the walls, but it still looked a mess... 
 So we hired a drywaller to make everything smooth and pretty...

Here is the shot to the east, taken right after we got our keys...
This end has the same cedar veneer strips, with a long shelf.

After the drywallers were finished...
  and AFTER.
 I kept the long shelf, we just bought new brackets and moved it up higher.
It's PERFECT for drying and storing paintings in progess.

Here is a shot of the wall that joins the living room, note the cedar veneer strips and the MIRROR tiles.
 Mirror tiles and drop ceiling removed...
 and NOW... with a very functional book/ yarn shelf!

and... a shot of the front door, see the carpet up the walls and the cork board wall?

and NOW... my dream door and a funky new ceiling light!

Here is a slide show of more detailed images of the space~

LOVE my new space, now just try to get me to leave it!
Wanna come over and play?


  1. it looks gorgeous!!! love your front door too! you must be so inspired.

  2. OH Reen! I was in such favor of keeping that diagonal wood paneling BUT...your new space is SO cute! It makes me want to drop everything and go buy some paint and freshen up my space. It's wonderful and I am so happy you now have a little place of your own to create in with lots of light.

  3. Reenie -- it is AWESOME! I wanna come play!!!! =)

  4. Lovely studio space! The bright light is the best! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Super fabulous! My favorite part is all of your artwork, it all looks so good in there. I may have to commission a piece for the city!! I can not wait to come and play for the first time, very very exciting.

    Welcome home my friend!

  6. It looks fantastic Reenie. I can see why you don't want to leave it. It's amazing what you get done in such a short period of time! Can't wait to see it in person.

  7. Such an inviting workspace, Reenie! Congratulations x1000! What kind of square footage do you have in that room? Looks pretty spacious.

    Have fun playing in it!
