Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still on Hiatus~ Remodeling~

So we are still at it. 9 weeks in!
The remodel of our new(to us) house has taken on a life of it's own, as I am sure every remodel does.

Today I saw some light at the end of the tunnel!
Actual BOXES got unpacked!
So exciting.
Here are some quick shots of the office, it is coming together!
The office/lair is really bedroom #4 all lined with shelves and houses the computer and printers...

This is a view from the back corner, looking out the door to the LR.
See the new trim and door??? I am in love.
Shelves to the left of the door house Paul's work papers and parts of the household library.

Shelves to the right of the door house art books and supplies.
Most of this will get shuffled and dispersed between here and the studio (which is almost ready!)

And here is the woman. The computer.
She lives in the lair now, not in my studio space.
Too much distraction. 

Stay tuned for more pics as I plug along... SO MANY more things to unpack and fit in!

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