Monday, September 13, 2010


It's been a wild ride the past month and a half!
Not that anything is ever really calm or normal around here...
But even more than our normal crazy. Funny how when I read through my past blog entries this seems to be the common phrase. So... we are crazy. Things are never boring around here.

So what is instigating this new found insanity?
We are buying a farm!
This is a lifelong dream coming to fruition for both Paul and myself.
We are so very excited to have found our dream property, complete with a forest, fields, a mountain view and a pond... with a granny-chic farm house that is just waiting for me to reenificate!
A magical place, as you can see from the photos!

Here is the slideshow from my flickr album that holds many more images.

So we are all about the CLEANING OUT right now.
Lotsa items going in the shop.
Purging out fibers, yarns and this week, BOOKS.
Moving in a few short weeks.
Stay tuned for more follies...


  1. i want to see INSIDE the house! i want to experience the re-do with you~~

  2. Will take pic inside the house once Mrs. Williams things are out and we have had closing. I didn't want to take in-depth photos with her personal items still there.
    FOR SURE we will be sharing all details. That is the fun part!
