Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Color Passion

I had an epiphany the other night. A realization of sorts...
Nothing uber- profound, just a sampling of my brains wanderings.
It's amazing what your brain can do at 4 am. How in tune you are with your instincts and intuitions.
During the day I confuse the Bleep out of myself sometimes. But in the middle of the night? I make perfect sense.

So this realization was that for my art and creativity? It is mostly all about the colors. The content and mediums count too of course, but I start with the colors. I feel the colors. I am one with the colors.

When I was in the depths of my spinning phase I would collect words or phrases that spoke to me, associate them with a color scheme, and create a palette from fiber and spin away.
That transitioned into finding color inspirations everywhere.
The energy of colors and the moods they create when they play off one another? sigh.
Even the 'ugly' colors (not that there are any ugly colors, but there are some I do not gravitate towards.) have been appealing to me lately. I normally am not drawn to muddy colors, more to the BRIGHT and VIBRANT... if you haven't noticed. (smile)

The other day I came across a blog called Color Collective. This brilliant woman, named Lauren Willhite, is taking images from design, fashion and art that inspire her and blogs them with a color palette.
Oh MY!
This is exactly how my brain works when I see an image I respond to, only much more translatable.

While paging through her delicious blog, I realized that I have this yarn palette, right here on my stock shelves, in the form of Malabrigo Yarn~ ! (perhaps next I will do this with rovings)

So I just had to connect some of them to share with you.
Super yummy-delicious.
Artist~ Robert Kauffman (fabric)

Links in this post~


  1. LOVE the connection of the yarn images to the palettes!! Very cool, thanks so much for your kind words!!

  2. Thanks for posting the link to Color Connection! Awesome! And I love the delicious yarns you concocted from the pictures!
