Monday, June 14, 2010

Ann's Baby Doll Tunic

Last week I cast on for a variation of the Baby Doll Tunic (here is the Ravelry Link)  
by Rachel of On The Round. 
I am knitting it in Malabgiro Twist in Burgundy. 
This of course changed the gauge as the pattern is written for a bulky/chunky handspun.

The pattern modifications are due to the fact that Ann is 11, not 25.
So I made the neckline smaller and changed the raglan increases 
so they are tighter with no lacey holes showing.
I knit to where I need to put the sleeve stitches on a holder, and tried it on her.

Wait! Except for ONE THING (grrr. grumble. smacking self in forehead)...
See it?

Apparently one of my stitch markers must have fallen off and I replaced it
 in the wrong spot- one stitch over. See how the increases shift?

So I pulled it out (frogged it) and am reknitting this portion.
Good thing knitting relaxes me, hunh? haha.
AND that I noticed it NOW and not when I was halfway down the body.

Links in this post:
Baby Doll Tunic (Rav Link)
Baby Doll Tunic (pattern link)
On the Round (blog)

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