Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Life Lately~ Ancestors

My grandparents meant the world to me.
I miss them daily and will always carry them around with me.

During her visit, my mom surprised me with new pics of my grandparents.
They were sent to her from my great great aunt who lives in Florida and who I think I met maybe once? that I can remember. Her name is Aunt Mary. She is the sister of my great-grandfather Charles Fultz Jr.

The pics totally blew me away. These people made me part of who I am today, and if just one of them had never existed, I would be here as someone else entirely. weird.


Emma Oakes Trump
My great-great-great grandmother... that's Three greats!
LOVE the hat and the clutch bag.
George Trump
My great-great-great grandfather
husband of Emma Oakes Trump. March 12, 1853- June 22, 1912

Fanny Mabel Trump Fultz
My great-great grandmother- daughter of Emma and George~ July 7, 1885- June 17, 1950
I have a set of Grandma Fanny's plates my gram gave me.
They are rose print china and she used them a lot... they have coffee stains on them, etc. which just make them even more special.

Charles Frederick Fultz, Sr.
My great-great grandfather. Husband of Fanny.
Jan. 14, 1882- April 13, 1966
Thank you Emma, George, Fanny and Charles for making me and and most of all Aunt Mary for sharing the pics with my mom.


  1. Wonderful, love looking at old photos!

  2. Ooo--how cool. Love old photos (especially, family photos) so much!
