Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Almost ready...

Everything is almost finished and ready to pack up.
I need to make product signs for the booth and a few odds and ends. The shelf edges need painted. Everything needs packed up. We pick up the truck (I rented a moving truck so we can leave the booth pretty much assembled) tomorrow at 1 pm. My scheduled loading dock time is Thurs 8 am. So the floor opens at 4:30 and then the fun begins!

I am excited and finally feel some semblance of peace about it.
Thank the Universe, God, Buddha, Allah and Elvis for my in-laws, who have helped me with the girls, housework, and the tedium of preparing that just makes my eyeballs bleed.
Here are pics of the messy in-progress booth set up in my studio.
I will take more pics once it is all set up and purty at the convention center.

Off to hit the deck with my MIL to knit and have some girl therapy time.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it incredible how long it takes to set up a booth? It's such an investment in planning and time. All your prep work will be well worth your while once you're there. Good luck--I hope you sell everything!
