Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Art Fits & Worms~

Lotta Pictures today!
There has been work happening in the studio lately. Not nearly as much as my brain wants to create, but art is happening nonetheless.
I have noticed that I seem to work in fits. For a while it was a knitting frenzy. Journey Hats.
Then spinning. My yarns are such a satisfying medium for me, but I burn myself out. I spin until my elbows and back are all knotted up and that makes me cranky.
I am in the midst of a painting fit. And an Earth Mamma fit. I have come to realize that everything I do I approach as an art medium. My girls. My house. My garden. Heck, I even sleep like I am making art. (manic? haha) This great epiphany transpired at ArtFest in April.
(oooh-- great yarn name- Transpired Epiphany!) I think I talked about this before....I frequently find myself in a state of angst over what I am NOT getting done. I should be making more art, or I should be spending more one-on-one with the girls, or my house is an embarrasing mess, and on and on and on. It is all my art. I love it all and will forever dip from one thing to the next in loops. I DO get things accomplished, I DO produce. My girls are fantastic people. My house will get messy again in 5 minutes anyway.
Enough ranting. Here is what is UP!

I am creating a rash of art journals. Not sure what will come of them, but I have an itch that will not get scratched. Some are gifts for my nieces, some I intend to sell and some are for ?? me? not sure. In the cover-making stage now and I am planning a separate blog post for them.

Yesterday Jackie came over and forced me to paint/play. She took a video for her site that I am sure will mortify me. I was all decked out in my house-hag-wear complete with my art apron and a binder clip in my hair. loverly. But realistic. No time to get barbied up. Who really does that anyway? Get all prettied up to paint?
I will post the link here when she publishes it. OR RSS her site or watch for it.

We played with clayboard. We took a clayboard class together at ArtFest where I created this...
Jackie gave me clayboard and tools for my birthday!
Here are some shots of the day's work.
Close ups~
Last night we (the family) took a Vermiculture class. Worms! We take care of them and feed them our compost and they will do what worms do....poop! This poo is gold to feed our plants.

Worm Wranglers!
Today I am having a spinning fit. Look for a shop update the endish of this week.

1 comment:

  1. The video of our playtime will be up on Friday. I haven't watched it yet, should be fun with all the background noise captured and all!

    I had a blast creating yesterday, even if we both hit a wall at the end. How did we ever do 7 hours at Artfest?

    Adding a little more to my piece today, just leaving it out to dabble here and there.
