Friday, March 6, 2009

Stash Reduction and 365 days~

Spring fever is hitting me. I am having purging (destashing) urges and have been cleaning out stuff big time. Here is a teaser of fun and tacky things to come in the Stash Reduction Pages...

Next weekend we are going to get the veggie garden prepped to start planting. It is odd to have an earlier growing season, we are used to the East Coast, where you don't start until after Mother's Day! Here it is much, much sooner. It may still be a bit early for most crops, but we are extending the garden (doubling it in size) and need to dig up the ground, make more fence, etc...

Enough blabbering.

I have also decided that the days are blurring by waaaayyy too fast lately. The only thing I can do to slow this down is to be more conscious, pay more attention to what is going on.
Not easy for me.
So I decided to jump on the 365 days wagon. A few months short, but I can start my year whenever I want, right?
As soon as I figure out how I will put a widgety thing with my daily pic on the right border somewhere.

Here is yesterday's pic.... not sure what today's will be yet.
Off to pack the orders ( read like time to make the donuts)....
And walk off some of the Girl Scout cookies... sheesh! Do they put crack in those things or something? You cannot eat just one...

1 comment:

  1. wow on the yarn... i wish i lived near you lol... and had tons of money lol i wouls sooo buy your yarn heee heee...have a great weekend.
