Monday, March 2, 2009

How is it March Already?!

Wow-- times flies, doesn't it?
I totally sound like my gram, but she is right. sigh.

Lotsa pics for you today!

Today was spent prepping, skeining, tagging and boxing a big 'ole pile of orders.
I exhaust myself. I think I may chill a bit with my knitting on the deck-- it is warmish today and the sun is out, which makes me happy...

Here are some pics of the day:
This...Became this...

Random shot of my art on the wall...
Packages that arrived the past few days from Arabella, KnottyNaomi and Therese!
Soon to be in the shop...

This came today-- REX RAY POSTCARDS!
I love anything and everything Rex Ray. sigh. Go see his site~
I have been working on this hat pattern since last year. It has been shoved to the back burner numerous times, but I love it so I am trying to finish it up. It will be a freebie here in the blog. Once I get it written out that is...

Knitting it from my hand dyed alpaca, in the "Selective Dementia" colorway-- there is still a skein left in the shop...
Off to find a glass of water and the hit deck (harhar) and knit.


  1. isn't it nice when you can mentally check things off the to do list!

  2. LOVE the colors of the yarn...LOVE your art work man your so talented~! And the hat can't wait to see what it looks like when done~!
