Sunday, February 1, 2009

...and the Jan. yarn recipient is....

I have been trying to think of a fair way to choose the yarn recipient of the Jan. giveaway.
There are 96 comments/entries. I really did not want to create 96 little tickets to put in a hat.
SO-- I found and used their integer generator.
How cool is technology?
So here goes..... the lucky January 09 "Be Mine" Yarn Recipient IS...

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-02-01 19:21:29 UTC


(hear the crowd roar?)

JC! of North Carolina!

JC said...

"If thine enemy wrong thee, buy each of his children a drum."

I love this quote for so many reasons. First, if you have younger siblings, or children, you know how they get with banging on things. Second, what a creative way to get revenge! Can't you imagine them loosing sleep with the children banging on the drums? I also like the creativity inherent in the statement.

JC, contact me and we will work out your pattern choices and other details!

Next month's giveaway fun will be up in a week(ish) or so, so keep your eyes OPEN!
(I am still mulling over what the yarn will be)

If you would like to be contacted when the new giveaway is up go to the shop and scroll down-- the newsletter subscription link is at the bottom of every page on!

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