Saturday, December 20, 2008


I have to admit, I am an inspiration junkie. A big chunk of my time is taken each day feeding this hungry monster, but it is as important to me (and my sanity) as oxygen!
My new obsession is Ted.

Wow-- that is all I have to say. If you haven't seen it yet, GO-- feed your monster!

This morning I watched a clip of Isaac Mizrahi. I love him, love his ideas, love his energy levels. I missed his show when it went off the air. Whew! I really um, relate? to his energy level and would love the opportunity to hang out with him, although others may run for the hills.
His site is spectacular too!

I feel all inspired now-- I think I will watch another and knit a bit more until my coffee kicks in...what should I watch next? Unconventional Explanations? Art Unusual? The Creative Spark?

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