Monday, December 8, 2008

Art Night in the Material Whirled~

I have been hosting some random art nights in my studio. Just a bunch of us crazy women creating and inspiring one another-- oh yeh- and drinking wine (and cocktails) and eating munchies.

Last night Jackie and her friend Liz --who host and create the amazing site called "Illustrating Stories"-- were video taping Jackie's progress on a Christmas journal she is making!
Go visit their site-- you can lose hours playing around in it and being inspired~

I don't like seeing myself on camera-- but who does really?

I look exhausted (which I was-- I tend to exhaust myself- but that is whole other blog post- haha)
I am spinning my latest skein-- which is from a pastel wool and merino batt that my Ann (who is 9) created for me. I spun it with a soft blue cotton/rayon thread and spun in strands of a fun novelty yarn as well as strips and fringes from an old yellow chenille blanket.
I will add pics here once I get it set and photographed.

Today I am painting and playing in my art journals, which I find so very relaxing. They girls have been working with me, it's a great way to spend time together and chat.
See my Art Journal pics here in a flickr album-- they are all 'in progress' pages, I don't think I will ever feel it is finished...not anytime soon anyway. The book itself was created at ArtFest last spring, in Traci Bautista's class.

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