Monday, September 22, 2008


It's been a whirlwind of a week for sure!
Our best friends from PA have been visiting the past week and it was a week of road trips and frenetic spinning! Plus big meals, drinks and good company.

They sadly just left for the airport. Here are some pics from our wanderings.

First road trip was to Mt. St. Helens. I love seeing her so much. Eve is completely obsessed with all things volcano so each trip up is even more fun.
Sat. we drove to the coast to see the tide pools. After a climb down a cliff and over some gigantic rocks, Nicole and I chilled by the water and the men and girls explored the tide pools.
I spent some time searching for agate and sea glass.

I also took some time to knit on my sweater.After the tide pools we drove to Depoe Bay to look for whales. You could see their blow streams out in the ocean, then we realized one was swimming right at the edge of the water!

After the whale extravaganza, we drove a bit north and found a quieter beach that was easier to access. The kids ran around like maniacs, the men too! haha

Paul played with a giant sea weed plant.

The dudes decided to take a polar dip- the water was COLD. I still have a ton of spinning to do for orders and for the site.
Update coming by the end of the week!

Back to the wheel!

1 comment:

  1. i used to live in seattle & being back here on the east coast...seeing your photos of places i've been as well...makes me homesick for my former home! thanks for posting them.
