Saturday, September 6, 2008

My First Sweater~

I am so proud. Been knitting for almost 5 years. Own an online handspun yarn shop for 3 1/2 years, but have never made a sweater. It's time.

Here is the pattern.... the Nubby Cardigan! From Knitscene Fall 08. (These are not pics of me, they are from the magazine. I want her hair though.)

It is one sexy sweater (in my opinion). It's warm and snuggly yet feminine at the same time.
I chose Cascade 220- Heathers in the Galaxy colorway. It is dark purple which looks almost blackish in darker light, but more purpley with flecks of blues and reds in the sunshine. Hard to photograph. soooo pretty....
Here is my progress so far. I am almost finished with the back panel. I was undecided to make the large or x-large. I am not a tiny girl, so I def need the large, but chose the x-large as I plan to wear this as a coat most of the time. This leaves room for heavier clothing underneath. I also added 4 inches to the pattern length for proper butt and belly coverage. The stitch pattern is stimulating enough to keep my attention yet not so complicated that I am poking my eyes out.

I plan to hit my button collection to find some vintage buttons to use but I think I will wait until I am closer to completion to look. This way I can bond some more with the sweater.

Well, enough procrastination blogging. Off to card Ocean Wonders! (cracking my own whip).

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