Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Can See the Shore!

I am still treading (treadling) water as I finish up the last of the Ocean Wonder orders!
phew! Wonder how many miles I have treadled?
Here is the next-to-last batch in progress...

Been fighting a sinus infection and the worst part has been the fatigue! I am so rarely sick that I forget how I hate to be down. I mentally call myself lazy, which is just nutso really, I have still been productive, just cranky and whiny. I suppose I will never really accomplish what I expect myself to in any given day. The strife of the over-achiever and the ocd, haha.

Not much else going on other than spinning and some serious re-organizing! Still kind of unpacking, even after a year! I need to PURGE MORE STUFF, but am trying to do so in spurts.
No knitting news either- I have grounded myself from working on my sweater until all of my orders are complete.

I leave you with a picture of the cutest cat EVER! She jumped into the light tent when I was photographing yesterday. I put some candy corn yarn in front of her.
MROWL fffft, Halloween Cat!

Here she is in front of her first fire.

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