Thursday, July 10, 2008


I seemed to have gotten sidetracked by domesticity lately and am not blogging as much as I want to.
What I have been doing with my time:
1- Gardening. I have always had a bit of a brown thumb, not because I cannot grow anything, but because I don't take the time to nurture and water and feed my green babies. It takes time to keep everything fed and watered and weeded. time.

2- Knitting- been dabbling at my knit projects, trying to not start NEW projects. I still have startitis. LOVE to start new things. Here is the Toot scarf! FINALLY-- here is a pic.....still in progress. I may need to get a 3rd skein.

3- Spinning. Been spinning thin. Thin for me anyway. This works well with the knitting startitis.
The bottom skein is intended to become a lacy scarf for ME, made from the same stitch pattern I am using for the Toot scarf- see above. (Toot rhymes with book) May not have enough yardage though.

4- Domesticity. Been cooking and mothering and painting and cleaning and purging. I got a coat of the new LR color on the walls. Taking the girls swimming as much as possible. I love the sun and water but do not like to be wet (must be the cat in me). So I sit and watch and knit. Today we are trying out an indoor pool for the first time.

5- Felting. Jackie came over yesterday and we wet felted. It is fun enough, but I burned out quickly. Need to experiment more with techniques. Dunno how I felt about it. har har har
The pink is my favorite.

6- Working on a new FREE with purchase pattern for the site. I may make it a free tutorial on the blog. Still thinking about it. hmmmmm Here is a teaser...

7- Brainstorming a knit/crochet/project gallery to sell finished items on the site. I have so much knit stuff hanging around. I may put it on the MW etsy shop. dunno.

9- The girls hit the fiber room this morning, including the rotten cat. Been calling her Stella lately, even though her given name has been Ezmaralda. Maybe her full name is Stella Ezmaralda? She seems to respond more to Stella. See her 'helping'?

Ann's batt, inspired by 'fire'.

Eve designed and carded this batt, inspired by the decorative paper it is lying on. Trying to figure out how to steal it from her. >:)

Off to the pool!

1 comment:

  1. dang, you've been busy, how do you do it all??? LOVE the scarf!
