Friday, June 27, 2008


Wed. Jackie and Rachel came over so we could play.
Here are pics of the process, which were fun. The paste was crumbly though, so I think I need to tweak the recipe a bit more. Perhaps find a more starchy flour? Need to think this over.

Painting with dyes-- we used fiber reactive. We plan to buy some fabric paints that are thicker.
The goal was a "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" neon splatter paint 80's tacky Fashion Bug t-shirt vibe. I think we achieved it. Relax- (Don't do it.)

Hanging to dry.

Once dry we ventured to the deck to scrape the paste off. That was therapeutic and relaxing... (don't do it). >:)

Favorite spots...

Ann & Rachel dressed up as fancy 'dogs', Eve was a photographer.

Later that evening Ezmaralda said- take that Sims disk out and let's surf the 'net so Annie obliged. They looked through for a bit. It makes Ezmaralda happy.

Thurs. we went to see the Reptile Man at the library- I hung out inside alone and read magazines- it was horrible. (sarcasm)
Later on I cleaned the garage, talked to Velma for a loooong time on the phone and then updated the site.
Today? Today has been odd- a detached tune-out day. I knit a bit, vegged on blogs for a bit, then updated the etsy site and spun. Laundry, ipod, dishes..... a relaxing day.

But shoot it in the right direction
Make making it your intention-ooh yeah
Live those dreams
Scheme those schemes
Got to hit me
Hit me
Hit me with those laser beams

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