Monday, February 25, 2008

Just in time for the Oscars~

I won the award for World's Worst Hat!

You mean my Tree Hat is tacky?
Why in the world didn't anyone tell me? hahahaha

No such thing as bad press. (thanks for the giggle) ;)

Sorry everyone~
Some of my links were down for a few days due to the transfer of my site to the new shopping cart/server.
They should all be fixed now.
If you find one that is not, please give me a heads up.
And let me know if I win any more awards? I am preparing an acceptance speech....

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your award!

    I like your tacky hat, but I know and love (just a few) people who don't mind spinning cheap plastic stuff into their yarn, so I guess my vote doesn't count for much! :)
