Thursday, January 31, 2008


I spent the entire day yesterday dyeing, something I have not done in a long time. I had a blast and made a phenomenal mess.

I have a bunch of natural malabrigo worsted merino I planned to paint and sell on the site. I dyed a few skeins today but will probably KEEP them, they are amazing, if I may say so myself! haha but maybe I will duplicate them to sell....need to think on it a bit.

My NEW SITE should be live sometime this coming weekend, I hired a web designer as it is getting to the point where the site is beyond my computer abilities and updating has been very time consuming ( I know enough to be dangerous and that is about it). The new site will have a professional grown-up shopping cart and a brand new blog! WOO HOO-- keep an eye out for many new products. I have so many fun things in the works that I have been sitting on in anticipation.

I am so excited about the new site-- such a big step...... heehee !

So... keep your eyes open, it won't be long!

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