Friday, December 28, 2007

Camera death

I did it- I killed the camera, it is official. I adore my camera. sniff.

I managed to get pictures taken of this last update, sorry the pics are kinda sad. My beloved camera cried and sputtered and beeped error messages the entire time and refused to let me use it's flash. I decided to euthanize it. Tomorrow it goes back to Circuit City so they can see if they can fix it. (Yay for extended warranties). I will be buying a new one I suppose in the meantime.

So-- An update-- hooray!

Here is a glimpse:

AND...... we got the dye room all set up and functional (ha- and it's messy already-snort).

I have a wonderful wash sink that Paul installed and my microwaves set up. There is a big table to mix dyes and such and we have 2 propane burners set up outside! It is so nice. sigh. What wonderful Christmas gift!

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