Thursday, May 19, 2011

Be Content~


The sun has finally come out here in the pnw, and it is so beautiful!

Nature is waking up, and so is my brain~ phew! 

One of our hives sent out a swarm yesterday and we caught it!
So exciting... we will be putting more about it in our bee blog... (stay tuned).
As you can see below, we had a chance to video it!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday Ann!

My youngest turned 12 yesterday and I need to do a post about it.

I remember a day 12 years ago... it was my 29th birthday and I was TEN days overdue and so very huge.
They decided to induce me before she started eating me from the inside out. >:)
She was born the very next day, my beautiful girl.

Here she is a few days ago with one of the baby chickens.

Here she is with her birthday gift, Fern, a bad, bad kitten who rarely leaves her side (sorry baby chickens).

 Happy Birthday Ann!

Craft Hope~ Bracelets for Russia

My friend Michelle rocks.
She is a busy artist/business woman/mother so getting together to art and hang out does not happen as often as we would like, but when we do... watch out!
Most of the time we just chat and brainstorm, but last Friday we made stuff. Cool stuff!

It was her idea to make bracelets for Craft Hope... Project 12: Orphan Outreach.
Here are photos she so graciously shared.. it was late in the evening and I forgot my camera. doh!

Most of the bracelets in the wagon were made by Eve & Ann last fall for their GS troop. 
They donated them for Craft Hope. 
I crocheted a pile from my handspun foozles and beads. They are in there somewhere...

The cuffs in the front were made by Michelle

My favorites? The collaboration bracelets... Michelle sewed my crochet bracelets to her cuffs.
You can see one here... it's the second from the left.

The second one? I totally snagged and kept. >:)

Here is a link to Michelle's post about it. With more pics!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me~

I love birthdays.
This is my 41st and I am LOVING this decade.
I woke to a kajillion birthday wishes on facebook, and they keep streaming in...
and a lot of phone calls from family and friends.
The best part? Being with Paul and my girls all day long. My favorite people in the whole world!

They surprised me with a HOUR of FLYING LESSONS. Flight instruction. In an airplane. In the air!

Eve & Ann can go with me and I am so excited. ---and terrified. This has always been a dream of mine and I keep pushing it off. fear? dunno... priorities? but...
Nothing like being shoved out of your box on your birthday! haha.

Here are my card the girls made for me. They are going right into my journal.

Dried flowers and fairies! from Ann

Bees! from Eve

 Now? I am going to go sit in my jammies on the deck and knit.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kitten Warmer~

Our  new baby, Dahlia, has had a hard time transitioning from her mamma to us.
She wants to be held when she sleeps, which is really adorable, but unrealistic.
Cats sleep like 20 hours a day.
To keep her comforted, I made a really quick "kitten warmer".

Sewn from flannel scraps, into a fast rectangle.

Leave the corner open to fill with dry rice.

Sew the opening shut and put in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until warm.
Worked like a charm! These warmers also work really well for humans!

Welcome FERN!

A special welcome to Dahlia Fern, our newest kitty!

Ann has wanted her own cat for a few years... since we are finally settled in our home and it's Ann's 12th birthday on Wed. we decided it's time.

Meeting Ezmaralda and Rufus (aka Momo) for the first time. They accepted her just fine once they had a few sniffs .

She started to cry, wanted her mama. I held her and she crawled up to my neck, gave me a few licks and went to sleep. 

Since I cannot sit still for too long, I moved her to Ann's neck. Cute overload. 

This morning she helped Ann with her math. 

Next post... the kitten warmer I made for Dahlia FERN.

Sunday, May 8, 2011