Sunday, November 30, 2008

Phew! Show and a Sweater Blocking...

Well the show was a blast. It was very slow and I was way over-prepared. (the plight of the over-achiever). BUT- I had so much fun- hanging out with my friend Ruth- and meeting new creative women-entrepreneurs. Hello to everyone!

Here are pics of my pretty booth:

I plan to take today and tomorrow to finish up custom orders. After that I will update the site!
There is a lot of spectacular stuff to put up!

And... I got my sweater blocked! YAYYY!
Now to assemble it and knit the button bands and shawl collar.
It's killing me to not hyper-focus on it, but there is work to be done!
Speaking of, I better get back to it.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


At the risk of being all corny and predictable...

I want to say how thankful I am for everyone in my life... family.... friends... my loyal customers.
You all make my life a full and frenetic one and I love you for it!

hugs and kisses and turkey love to all!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Knit Scarf from Martha~

No-Knit scarf instructions from Martha!

Written for bulky yarn!

This would work wonderfully with any bulky yarn sold on Material Whirled~

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Upcoming show~

I will have all of my current shop inventory (plus some surprises!) at Outlaw Craft next Sat.
If you are local please stop by!
Here are details:

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Wow-- that is all I can say.
I opened the blinds this morning and the sun coming through the trees was so beautiful.

Here are shots from the deck~ and one reason why I love it here so much.
(untouched photos)

Friday, November 14, 2008

I tire myself out~

I really do.
Seems like I go from manic-productive to on-the-couch-bleh. Typical for an artist I suppose.

My new friend Ruth was here on Wed. to witness the madness and she didn't scream and run for the hills. Thank you Ruth... sometimes I am a bit much to absorb.

Tues. I spent painting. (see previous post). So nice to lose myself and my harried thoughts in creating.

Wed. was spent hanging with Ruth, designing her a custom skein, playing in the paint, in the fiber and knitting. on and on...Wed. was frenetic.

Yesterday (Thurs.) was spent on my butt at the computer, doing a massive shop update.
Over 9 hours! phew!
Check it out!

There will be more updates coming this morning, once I drag myself to the studio.
Feeling like trying to go back to sleep for a bit. Paul left early-early(and extremely last minute) for Boise, ID so this morning entailed panicked packing and paperwork. Poor tired man.

We have a play-date with some new friends today and I need to vacuum and get the house looking like sane people live here. The upstairs is manageable, but the studio? haha. not so much.
Maybe sane people do not live here. They say your home reflects the state of your mind but that is something I am not willing to accept. Aren't there exceptions for those who choose to create rather than clean? Plus 3 people who are IN the house most of the time so things are constantly being moved or cluttered or messed- cooking 3 meals a day in the kitchen, etc.
sigh. So there. Enough crazy ramblings.
I think I will try to snooze while the man is in the air.

Another post coming once the site is completely updated!

Here are some pics of my fav things from yesterday's update:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Relaxing Day...

I spent most of Tues. painting.
So relaxing.....sigh

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Elf Hat Buzz!

Today Material Whirled was mentioned in Lime & Violet's Daily Chum!

Here is the link to the Elf Hat entry.... Thanks Tasha!

She mentioned the Elf Hat Pattern and the Elf Hat Kit!

Any more buzz? Drop me an email and I will link it here....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Elf Hats!

Introducing our NEW Holiday Hat Pattern and Kit!

The Elf Hat!
Available as a Pattern...

Or as a Kit...

Available in 3 skin tones!Fits an adult or child head 20+ inches.

Only 46 more days until Christmas!