Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Are your needles happy?

You all know Angela, my former partner-in-crime.
While she spends 250% of her time being the best mamma in the world, she still has the spinning mojo!

Here are pics of her amazing fingering weight 2 ply....drool!
They will make one amazing lace project......want some pattern suggestions?
Give me a holler and we will send you some ideas.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

DIY Lazy Kate~

Make your own lazy kate!

Last week I made myself a lazy kate! I'm so proud I wanted to share it with you.

While I do have a spectacular lazy kate that came with Lenore, my Lendrum wheel, it is free standing and falls over while I am winding onto my skein winder. I decided to create a stationary one to 'live' next to the winder.

Material used:
~ 1 vintage aluminum knitting needle that my bobbin fit on. I inherited all of my gram's needles but know I will never actually knit with them. The color is worn off the tip, this must have been her favorite size! This makes me smile each time I look at it.
~ 1 "C" clamp

I hammered the needle end flat and cut the circular end off with a clippers. I then took the "C" clamp and clamped it to a strategical spot on my work table. I did have to add a drop of oil to the needle so the bobbin spun smoothly.
Simple and recycled.
Why didn't I think of this sooner? What a time saver!

House & Studio~

Lately I have been obsessed with the Apartment Therapy blog. I love to see pictures of how others live and find it very inspiring. I have always had a bug for Interior Design and actually entered art school at 18 with that as my major of choice.

Since my house is somewhat clean right now (the studio? not so much), I decided to take some shots of things I love around the house and studio.
Here are a few shots, you can see more HERE in my flickr album (with more detailed descriptions).

I leave you with a picture of Ezmaralda, being all stealth blending in with the bats on the couch. Can you find her? All she needs are little fake fangs, haha.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lordy Lordy

My wonderful man is 40!

(He hates this phrase--snicker)

Happy Birthday to the most caring, handsome, spectacular man on the planet!

I could not ask for a better partner, friend or father for our girls.

Love ya babe!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dark Princess Nicholette~

This skein was inspired by my friend Nicholette~
She owns my lys (Stitchcraft) and is a flamenco dancer!

Featuring black skulls, a black high heel show, gold beads, red roses, black lace and trim pieces.

Here is Nicholette dancing~

Here is some traditional flamenco music (love this)

Fall Update~

I just updated the shop with some fun Fall/ Halloween skeins!

Autumnal Equinox

Dark Princess Nicholette ~ She is a flamenco dancer!
Some NEW Stop, Drop & Weave scarf kits!
Featuring some Ocean Wonder kits!

AND...I have dyed up a batch of yarns for my exciting new Holiday Hat!
This is just a teaser, it will be up soon!
Think Holiday Kitsch at it's finest!
(snicker snicker-- I am so excited!)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yarn Punk!

Material Whirled is proud to welcome Elizabeth of Yarn Punk to the handspun shop!

Elizabeth is one of my favorite spinners. Her yarns have an energy that cannot be described, you have to hold and knit them to experience it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008